Foam Roller Exercises for Leg Day: 8 Exercises for Better Recovery, Strength and Performance

Foam Roller Exercises for Leg Day: 8 Exercises for Better Recovery, Strength and Performance

Incorporating foam roller exercises for leg day into your fitness routine is an excellent way to give your stiff muscles the relief they need after a tough workout.

Widely used for self-myofascial release, foam rollers are a great tool for targeting tight spots and areas of tension in our body muscles. They also play an important role in improving one's flexibility and range of motion, all of which are beneficial in developing strong lower body muscles.

Think glutes, hamstrings, calves, and quads.

These leg muscle groups come under the most strain when we strength train, which is why finding ways to relieve tension and fatigue is so important.

Fortunately, with a bit of time and the right foam roller exercises, you can achieve just that. That's what we'll be exploring in this article: how to use foam rollers on soft tissues in your lower leg muscles.

Let's dive in.

8 Best Foam Roller Exercises for Leg Day

Having an idea of which foam roller exercises are suitable for lower body muscles is the first step in ensuring that you're doing the right things.

Here are some of our top picks:

1. Kneeling calf stretch

The kneeling calf stretch is a simple yet effective foam roller exercise that's great for relieving muscle tension in one of the most important leg muscles, the calves.

This muscle group plays a huge role in keeping the human body stable as well as helping to power us through daily leg-day activities like running and jumping. With strained or tight calves, taking part in these activities becomes difficult.

That's where the kneeling calf stretch comes in.

To perform this exercise, all you need to do is kneel down on the foam roller. Make sure that your toes are pointing up and that your calf muscles are on top of the roller.

Then, move your body up and over the roller in a slow and controlled manner until you can feel muscle tension in your tight calves. You should hold this position for at least 10–15 seconds before releasing and repeating.

Once you're done with one side, switch to the other leg and repeat. This will ensure that both sides get an equal amount of attention.

2. Shin foam roll

Another exercise you can use to roll out your leg muscles is the shin foam roll.

As you might have guessed, this exercise is designed to target the shins — a leg muscle that helps to maintain balance and move the lower legs when we run and walk.

Common muscle imbalances that can occur in the shins can cause shin splints — a painful condition that occurs when layers of muscle around your shin bone become inflamed due to overuse. Fortunately, with a shin foam roller exercise, you can avoid this issue.

First, sit on the ground and place the foam roller under your shins.

Then, slowly roll up and down your shins in a controlled manner while applying pressure with your hands. Hold each position for about 20 seconds before moving onto the next one.

Once you've completed a few reps, switch which shin is placed on top of the roller to make sure both sides receive an equal amount of attention.

3. Lying leg sweep

Foam roller massage

Coming in third on our list of foam roller exercises to get the most out of leg day is the lying leg sweep.

This exercise will help to target the iliotibial (IT) band, a thick tendon that runs along the side of your legs and helps to move them from side to side. It's also a great way to improve hip mobility—an important factor in keeping your lower body muscles healthy and strong.

Inefficient movement across layers of muscle can lead to knee pain or even hip bursitis—so making sure it stays in shape is key.

Here's how to do it: Lie flat on your back and place the foam roller underneath your IT band of tissue. Then, using your hands and feet, slowly roll up and down the length of your connective tissue - while making sure to apply pressure with your arms.

Hold each position for about 15 seconds before releasing and repeating. When you're finished, switch which side is facing upwards to ensure that both sides get an equal amount of attention.

4. Hamstring roll-out

If you are one to engage in high-intensity leg workouts, then chances are your hamstring muscles have taken quite a beating.

This muscle group helps propel your legs forward and backward, making it crucial for activities that require quick leg movements.

That's why keeping them in tip-top shape is so important.

Foam roller hamstring exercises give you the opportunity to do just that, and getting the hang of this exercise is quite simple.

Start by lying flat on your back and placing the foam roller under your hamstring muscles. Then, place both hands behind your head and slowly roll up and down the length of your hamstrings, making sure to apply sustained pressure with your hands.

Once you've done a few reps, switch sides to face upwards to ensure that both sides get an equal amount of attention for improved hamstring flexibility.

5. IT band roll

When it comes to getting the most out of your exercise sessions of foam rolling, there's nothing like a good IT band roll.

This foam roller exercise is designed to target the iliotibial band - a thick tendon that runs along the side of your legs and helps to move them from side to side. Inefficient movement in this muscle can lead to knee pain or even hip bursitis—so making sure it stays in shape is key.

To perform the IT band roll, start by lying flat on your back and placing the foam roller underneath your IT band. Then, using your hands and feet, slowly roll up and down the length of your IT band while making sure to apply direct pressure with your arms.

Hold each position for about 15 seconds before releasing and repeating.

When you're finished, switch which side is facing upwards to ensure that both sides get an equal amount of attention.

6. Hip flexor roll

The hip flexor roll is one of the most effective foam roller exercises to relieve tension in your leg muscles.

This exercise targets the hip flexors, which are responsible for moving your legs forward and back when you walk or run. These sore muscles can become tight if you don't stretch them enough, leading to discomfort in your hips and lower back.

While certain stretches can help to loosen them up, using a foam roller can help to target them with greater precision. To get started, lie flat on your stomach and place the roller underneath your hips.

Then, slowly roll up and down the length of your hip flexors while applying pressure with your hands. Hold each position for about 10 seconds before moving onto the next one.

When you're done, switch which side is facing upwards to ensure that both sides get an equal amount of attention.

7. Glute roll

Taking part in high impact activities that subject your legs to a lot of strain can lead to a buildup of tension in your glutes.

Our glute muscles help to support our hips, lower back, and even the muscles in our legs—so making sure they're in good condition is crucial for overall muscle health.

Glute rolling helps target these muscles and make sure they stay in peak condition for any activity you throw at them.

To start, place the foam roller beneath your glutes and position your feet flat on the ground. Then, slowly roll up and down the length of your glutes—while making sure to apply pressure with your hands.

Focus on body areas with muscle stiffness and hold each position for about 15 seconds before releasing and repeating.

8. Quad rolls

Last on our list of foam roller exercises for leg day is a quad roll.

This exercise targets and relieves tight muscles in your quadriceps and hamstrings—two of the major muscles responsible for movement in your legs. It's also a great way to improve mobility and flexibility, as well as reduce the chances of injury.

To perform quad/thigh rolling, start by lying flat on your stomach and placing the foam roller underneath your quads. Then, using your hands and feet, slowly roll up and down the length of your quads while making sure to apply pressure with your arms.

When you're done, switch which side is facing upwards to ensure that both sides get an equal amount of attention.

Now that you know what foam roller exercises for leg day are out there, you can incorporate them into your routine to stay fit and reduce any risk of muscle injury. Give these exercises a shot and see how much better your muscle tissue feels afterwards.

Next, we'll explore some before-and-after tips to make sure you're getting the most out of your routine.

Things to Do Before and After Foam Roller Exercises for Leg Day

While taking part in foam rolling exercises for leg day can be extremely beneficial, it's important to remember some key things before and after your body routine.


Whether you are targeting your hamstrings, quads, or even glutes, there are some simple steps you should take before foam rolling. Some of them include:

Grab a snack

Foam rolling can be a physically demanding exercise, and it's important to fuel up before starting.

Grabbing a light snack like a banana or some nuts can help give you a boost of energy and make sure that you are ready to give it your all. You can also get some protein from a cup of yogurt or a hard-boiled egg to help your muscle fibers recover afterwards.


Hydrating is an essential part of any exercise routine, and foam rolling is no exception.

Before you start any of the foam roller exercises outlined in this post, make sure to drink plenty of water so your stiff muscles are adequately hydrated and ready for your body workout. This will help keep your energy levels up and prevent cramps and fatigue that might get in the way of completing your workout.

And if you want to take it up a notch, try adding some electrolytes to your water for an even bigger boost!

Wear the right outfit

wear comfortable clothes

Imagine trying to do a foam roll exercise while wearing a pair of jeans. It's not going to be a very pleasant experience.

Make sure to dress comfortably before starting your body routine; loose clothing that allows you to move freely is always the best option (think jogging pants and a t-shirt). Lightweight materials like cotton or spandex are also ideal, as they will help keep you cool and won't restrict your movement.

Just ensure to avoid wearing anything too tight or restrictive—such as jeans or thick material—as this can impede your progress.


Once you are done, there are some additional steps you should take in order to maximize the benefits of foam rolling exercises. Some of them include:

Take the time to stretch out your muscles

After foam rolling, it's important to take the time to stretch out your muscles.

This is because foam rolling is designed to enhance your flexibility and range of motion, but you won't receive the full benefit unless you actively stretch afterwards.

Take some time to focus on stretching individual muscle groups that were targeted during your foam roller exercises for leg day. This will help promote optimal blood flow and reduce the risk of any post-workout soreness or tightness.

Try to incorporate a few gentle stretches that focus on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes—like static stretching or dynamic stretching—for best results.

Get a cool shower

Another great way to help your muscles recover after foam rolling is to take a cool shower.

This will help reduce any post-workout soreness and also give you the chance to wash away any sweat or lactic acid that has built up during the session. Cold water is usually best for this; it will help reduce inflammation and improve circulation.

However, if cold water isn't your thing, you can also opt for warm water instead.

Stay hydrated

Just as it's important to hydrate before any foam rolling exercise, it's equally important to stay hydrated afterwards.

Make sure to drink plenty of water during and after your session, as this will help replenish any fluids that you lost during the workout. And don't forget about electrolytes; adding some to your water will help replace any minerals that were lost.

Get plenty of rest

Taking time to rest and recover after foam rolling is a great way to ensure that your muscles are ready for the next session.

Your muscles need time to repair and recover, so make sure to get plenty of rest and sleep in between your workouts. This will help ensure that you're able to perform at your best during each session, and it will also help reduce any post-workout soreness or risk of injury.

And if you want to take things one step further, try adding in a few relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. This will help your muscles relax even further, reducing any post-workout fatigue and soreness.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you've read through the above information and still have questions about foam roller exercises for leg day, we've compiled some frequently asked questions to help you out.

How often should I take part in foam roller exercises for leg day?

The frequency of your foam roller exercises for leg day will depend on your goals and current fitness level.

If you're just starting out, we recommend that you take part in a foam roller routine once or twice a week. As you become more comfortable with your exercise performance, you can increase the frequency to three to four times a week.

This way, you can ensure that your muscles are getting the recovery and strengthening they need without overworking them in the process.

What benefits should I expect from performing foam roller exercises for leg day?

One of the biggest benefits of performing foam roller exercises is enhanced body mobility and flexibility.

Foam rolling helps to stretch and lengthen your muscles, allowing them to move more freely and easily. This can help improve your range of motion, making you less prone to injuries while also helping you perform better during body workouts.

Foam roller exercises can also help reduce muscle knots and improve circulation to speed up the recovery process for improved athletic performance.

When should I avoid foam roller exercises for leg day?

While foam roller exercises offer a great way to work your leg muscles, there are certain periods of time when it's best to avoid them.

If you're feeling any kind of onset muscle soreness or discomfort (especially in the area you plan on rolling), don't perform the exercise. It's also best to avoid foam rolling if you have any existing injuries or joint problems. Heart rate and blood pressure should also be monitored before performing any foam roller exercises.

In certain cases, it's best to consult with your doctor or physical therapist before attempting any foam roller exercises.

What type of foam rollers are best for exercises?

When it comes to foam rolling for leg day, there are a variety of different rollers that you can use.

Generally speaking, the best type is one that comes with different textures, such as bumps or ridges. This type of foam roller helps provide an extra-body massage-like effect, which can work wonders for your muscles.

Harder foam rollers are best for deep tissue foam massage and myofascial release, while softer foam rollers are better for more gentle exercises like stretching and rolling out tight muscles.


Taking part in foam roller exercises for leg day can offer an effective way to work out and recover your quads, hamstrings, and other sore leg muscles.

These muscle groups are essential for a variety of activities—from running to body weight lifting—so it's important to make sure they're functioning at their best. Foam roller exercises can help you achieve this, as they offer a wide range of benefits, from reduced muscle pain to increased flexibility and improved blood flow.

Common foam roller exercises you can perform for leg day include kneeling calf stretch, lying leg sweep, hamstring rollout, hip flexor, shin, glute, and thigh rolls.

While these exercises can be beneficial, taking before and aftercare into consideration is always important. So, make sure to eat a light meal, drink lots of water, and wear the right clothing to maximize your foam roller experience.

Aftercare is just as important, so make sure to take plenty of time to rest and recover after your session. Also, stay hydrated, get a cool-down, and take time to stretch your muscles for the best results.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your foam roller exercises for leg day are truly beneficial and get the results you're looking for.

So grab a foam roller, get to work, and start enjoying the benefits of foam rolling exercises today! Remember, we are always here to help if you have any questions.

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