Using Massage Guns on Stomach: Is It Safe to Use One and Does it Work?

massage gun on stomach

Have you ever thought about using a massage gun on your stomach?

How did it make you feel?

Were you hesitant to try it? Or maybe you've given it a go and are wondering if it's safe to do so?

Well, that's what you'll find out on this page.

Using massage guns has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for a good reason. These handheld devices can be used almost anywhere on the body, relieving muscle soreness, muscle spasms, for speedy muscle recovery. Studies have also shown that massage guns can help improve athletic performance, reduce inflammation, and even reduce stress.

But are they safe to use on the stomach? What benefits do they offer people who use them in this area?

In this post, we'll explore the safety of using a massage gun on your stomach and some tips for getting the most out of your massage.

But first, let's understand how massage guns work.

Let's roll!

Using a Massage Gun on the Stomach

Using a massage gun on your stomach may sound intimidating, but it's pretty safe.

Ever heard of percussion therapy? That's how massage guns work to provide relief.Let's look at how it works.

1. How massage guns work on the stomach

Percussive massage therapy is a type of massage that uses rapid, short-duration pressure pulses to target specific body areas.

The massage gun's head vibrates against your skin, providing a deep-tissue massage that can help reduce muscle tension and pain. When used correctly, massage guns can offer a powerful massage experience without needing a professional masseuse.

Enjoying the benefits that come with using one can be especially helpful for those who suffer from chronic muscle pain or tightness.

When you imagine using a massage gun, your stomach may not be the first area that comes to mind. But believe it or not, using one in this area certainly has some benefits.

So, what are these benefits, and how can you make the most of them? Let's find out the next section.

2. Benefits of using a massage gun

Enjoying the benefits of using percussive massagers on your stomach can be especially helpful for those who suffer from digestive issues, such as bloating or constipation. Let's look at these benefits in more detail.

fusion recovery massage gun

To lose stomach fat

One of the most common benefits of using a massage gun on your stomach is to help burn belly fat.

When you massage your stomach, it helps to stimulate the digestive system and can help to break down fat cells which can then be eliminated from the body through sweat and urine. This can lead to a reduction in overall body weight. What's more, using massage guns can help improve circulation in the abdominal area, which helps to speed up metabolism and burn more calories.

To reduce bloating

Using a massage gun on your stomach can also help to reduce bloating.

Bloating occurs when gas builds up in the digestive system, causing your stomach to swell. Massaging your stomach can help to break down this gas, leading to a reduction in bloating.

With reduced bloating, you can enjoy a flatter stomach and improved digestion. This also leads to a more comfortable feeling in your stomach area, making it easier to move around and exercise.

Releases lactic acid

Another benefit of using a massage gun on your stomach is that it helps to release lactic acid.

Lactic acid is a by-product of exercise and can build up in the muscles, leading to soreness and stiffness.

When you massage your stomach, it helps to break down the lactic acid that has built up in the muscles, leading to improved flexibility and reduced pain. This can be especially helpful for those who suffer from chronic muscle pain or tightness.

For improved digestion

Are you dealing with poor digestion?

Using a massage gun on your stomach can help to improve that.

When you massage your stomach with a massage gun, vibrations produced can help to stimulate the digestive system and break down food more quickly. This leads to improved digestive health and better absorption of nutrients from the food you eat.

These are just some of the most common benefits of massaging your stomach with a massage gun. However, enjoying these benefits depends on using the massage gun correctly for this area.

In the next section, let's look at some tips for using a massage gun on your stomach.

Tips for Using a Massage Gun on Your Stomach

Using a massage gun on your stomach can provide some great benefits, but it's important to use it correctly. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your massage:

1. Choose the right massage head attachment

The first step in using a massage gun on your stomach is to choose the proper massage head attachment.

The best attachment option for this area is usually a flat head, which provides a more even massage and can help reduce discomfort. Moreover, it can also help target specific areas of the stomach more effectively.

massage gun attachment

2. Start with the lowest intensity setting

One of the most important tips for using a massage gun on your stomach is to start with the lowest intensity setting.

The stomach is a sensitive area with really soft tissues. It can be easily irritated by too much pressure. Hence, it's important to start with a low-intensity setting and gradually increase it as needed. This way, you can ensure that you're using gentle pressure and not causing any discomfort.

massage gun intensity

3. Move slowly and gently

Once you've chosen the right attachment and intensity setting, moving slowly and gently when using the massage gun on your stomach is essential.

Remember when we said that the stomach is a sensitive area?

Moving too quickly or with too much pressure can cause discomfort or even injury. Hence, it's essential to take your time and be gentle. It would help if you also avoided any sudden movements or jerking motions.

4. Don't massage for too long

Finally, it's important to remember that you shouldn't massage your stomach for too long.

A good rule of thumb is to limit the massage time to no more than five minutes at a time and take breaks in between sessions. As the stomach is a sensitive area, it's important to give it time to rest and recover.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you're using your massage gun correctly on your stomach and start enjoying all the potential benefits.

Next, we'll look at when not to use a massage gun on your stomach.

When Not to Use a Massage Gun on Your Stomach

Although using a powerful massage gun on your stomach can provide some great benefits, there are certain times when it's not recommended.

Here are some situations when you should avoid using one:

1. If you have any abdominal condition

Do you have a medical condition such as an abdominal hernia or other abdominal injuries?

If so, avoiding using a massage gun on your stomach is best. These health conditions can be aggravated by the vibrations and pressure of the massage gun and can lead to further complications.

That's why avoiding getting an abdominal massage with a massage gun is important if you experience any abdominal pain or discomfort.

2. If you have any digestive disease

Another situation when you should avoid using a massage gun on your stomach is if you have any digestive diseases.

Common diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis can be aggravated by the vibrations and pressure of a massage gun which can cause further discomfort and pain.

That's why, it's best to avoid using one if you have any digestive diseases.

3. When pregnant

Finally, it's not recommended to use a massage gun on your stomach if you are pregnant.

With a baby on board, the vibrations and pressure of a powerful massage gun can be too intense for the baby and can cause harm. What's more, the pressure of the massage gun may also put too much strain on the abdominal muscles, leading to birth complications.

Staying away from using a massage gun on your stomach when experiencing any of the above conditions is the best way to ensure your safety and health. This way, you can enjoy all the potential benefits of using a massage gun without any risks.

Read this article if you want to know more about using a massage gun while pregnant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still unsure about whether you should use a massage gun on your stomach?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about using a massage gun on the stomach. Feel free to dive in to find answers to your questions.

How safe is it to massage my stomach with a massage gun every day?

Using a massage gun on your stomach every day is generally not recommended.

While the massage gun can provide some great benefits, it's important to remember that the stomach contains many sensitive organs, like the belly button.

Overusing the massage gun can cause discomfort or even injury to these spots, so it's best to limit your use to no more than five minutes at a time and take breaks between sessions.

Can I get a six-pack from using a massage gun on my stomach?

No, you cannot get a six-pack from using a massage gun on your stomach.

While a powerful massage gun can help improve blood circulation and reduce tension in the abdominal muscles, it is not a substitute for regular exercise and healthy eating habits.

To get a six-pack, you need to focus on building muscle through strength training and reducing body fat through balanced diet and cardio. Eating healthy diets and exercising regularly will help you to achieve your desired results.

What should I consider when buying a massage gun for stomach?

When buying a massage gun for your stomach, there are several factors to consider.

First, you should make sure the massage gun is designed specifically for abdominal massage just like affordable models from Fusion Recovery. Our Elite and Mini models are designed with a range of massage heads that's perfect for targeting the stomach area.

This means that the massage gun will be able to reach all the areas of your stomach, providing a more effective massage. Second, you should look for a massage gun that has adjustable adequate speed settings. This will allow you to customize the intensity of your massage and ensure that you don't overdo it.

Finally, make sure the massage gun is made from high-quality materials and has a long battery life. This will ensure that your massage gun is durable and can last for years to come.

When is the best time to use a massage gun on my stomach?

The best time to get a stomach massage using a massage gun entirely depends on your individual needs.

Are you looking to relieve constipation or bloating? Or perhaps you're looking to reduce fat deposits in the abdominal area?

Whatever your needs are, it's best to use the massage gun on your stomach when feeling relaxed and comfortable. This way, you can ensure you get the most out of your massage session.

If you want to relieve constipation or bloating, you should use the massage gun on your stomach in the morning or evening.

This will help to stimulate digestion and reduce any discomfort.

If you're looking to reduce fat deposits in the abdominal area, it's best to use the massage gun on your stomach before or after a workout session. This will help to improve blood flow and reduce tension in your abdominal muscles.

Are there any risks associated with massaging my stomach with a massage gun?

Some risks are associated with massaging your stomach with a massage gun.

These include the risk of aggravating existing medical conditions such as abdominal hernias or digestive conditions while putting too much strain on your abdominal muscles when pregnant. To help you avoid these risks, it's important to stay away from using a massage gun or consult a massage therapist before using one on your stomach.

What should I do if I experience pain, discomfort, or other adverse reactions during or after massaging my stomach with a gun?

If you experience pain, discomfort, or other adverse reactions during or after massaging your stomach with a massage gun, it is important to stop using your massage device immediately.

Most times, people who experience pain or discomfort while using a massage gun are using it too aggressively. That's why it is important to adjust the intensity of the massage gun and use a lighter touch when massaging your stomach.

If you continue to experience pain, discomfort, or other adverse reactions after reducing the intensity of the massage gun, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

In this case, it is best to consult a doctor or physical therapist for further advice.


Using massage guns on the stomach can be a great way to relieve constipation, bloating and reduce fat deposits in the abdominal area.

These powerful devices provide a safe and affordable alternative to traditional massage therapy.

Instead of spending money on expensive massage sessions, you can use a massage gun to target specific areas of your stomach and enjoy the same benefits. However, while using a massage gun on your stomach can be beneficial, it is important to follow safety guidelines and consult a massage therapist or professional before doing so.

This will help to ensure that you are using the device safely and effectively and that any adverse reactions are addressed quickly. If you're experiencing pain, discomfort, or other adverse reactions during or after using a massage gun on your stomach, you should stop using the device immediately.

So now that you've learned more about the benefits and risks of using a massage gun on your stomach, you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you. What's your opinion?

Feel free to contact us.

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